Our Approach

Classical Christian Education (CCE) is an approach to learning which emphasizes biblical teachings, focuses on the seven liberal arts, and incorporates a teaching model known as the Trivium, consisting of three stages: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This form of education was begun by the Greeks and Romans and was the standard method of education even in the U.S. until about 100 years ago when progressive education began to override classical methods. Classical education has been revived over the past 40 years, and now there are over 250 classical Christian schools in the U.S. and beyond. It includes some of the following hallmarks:

Biblical Framework

CCE starts with the understanding that God is the Creator of all that exists, and therefore all knowledge is interrelated and points back to him. Scripture is held in highest regard and integrated into every aspect of learning. CCE has the ultimate goal that every student would be transformed by the truth of the gospel and serve Christ in all things.

Instruction Aligned with Development

Classical education “goes with the grain” of natural development. When students are young and enjoy learning facts and information, we use songs, chants, and memorization to help them absorb information. When middle schoolers develop the desire to debate, we instruct them on how to ask thoughtful questions and form logical answers. When high schoolers begin expressing their independence via their own thoughts and ideas, instruction focuses on helping them do so with clarity, purpose, and grace.

Focus on Fundamentals

Classical schools focus on students learning fewer things but learning them very well. Students are trained in the fundamentals: math, grammar, writing, history, science, literature, and Bible. This focus clears away the clutter and provides them with the tools of learning that they can apply in any vocation they pursue. 


Integration reveals the unity of God’s world, so classical schools value connection of content across subjects. This may look like a fourth grader learning about the feudal system in history, reading Robin Hood in literature, and constructing a model castle in art class. CCE content is intentionally structured to provide students with a unity of content that leads to deep understanding and underscores their learning with meaning and joy.

High-Quality Content

The things we read, listen to, and watch shape us, so it makes sense to offer students the very best examples of those things. CCE students participate in the "Great Conversation," studying works and ideas that have stood the test of time. This includes rich material, often from primary sources, that has deep meaning and can be unpacked again and again. From excellent literature, to historical documents, students are trained to evaluate each work in light of Christian truth.

Cultivation of Virtue

A virtue is a standard of moral excellence. CCE holds that these standards are necessary, true, and can be cultivated. At Valor, students learn stewardship, honor, wisdom, and self-control, with the goal of shaping character in a deep and lasting way. These virtues are part of our common school language and create a culture where truth, beauty and goodness can flourish.